Diablo 3 barbarian hammer of the ancients build
Diablo 3 barbarian hammer of the ancients build

diablo 3 barbarian hammer of the ancients build diablo 3 barbarian hammer of the ancients build

The heavy emphasis on Shouts make it a welcome addition to any party, too. With easy access to Fortify and many sources of Unstoppable, this build particularly resilient. Bracers of the First Men (Legendary Bracers): Hammer of the Ancients attacks 50% faster and deals 400-500% increased damage.This classic Hammer of the Ancients (HotA) Barbarian build works on a simple premise: generate Fury as quickly as possible, then spend it on devastating, multi-million damage Hammer of the Ancients blows.The Gavel of Judgment (Legendary Two-Handed Mighty Weapon): Hammer of the Ancients returns 25 Fury if it hits 3 or less enemies, and deals +600-800% increased damage.Remorseless (Legendary Mighty Weapon): while both Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients are active, Hammer of the Ancients deals 200-250% more damage.Birthright: Critical Hits each heal the Barbarian for 3% of maximum Life.Thunderstrike: damage type changes to Lightning, and enemies killed by Hammer of the Ancients also Stun every other enemy within 10 yards for 2 seconds.Enemies within the tremor area are Chilled by 80%. The Devil's Anvil: damage type changes to Cold, and leaves a tremor at the impact location for 2 seconds.

diablo 3 barbarian hammer of the ancients build

Visually, the size of the mace decreases, yet the damage area does not change. Smash: damage type changes to Fire, and damage increases to 640%.Damage done in the circle does not change. Rolling Thunder: also hits a 22 yards long, 60 degrees wide cone enemies outside the the usual 6 yards radius circle suffer 505% damage as Physical.Diablo II: Resurrected Review - Pile Of Old Bones

Diablo 3 barbarian hammer of the ancients build